Welcome to Zippix

  • Just for Photographers

    Zippix is well-known company serving professional photographers throughout the United States.

  • Your clients will love it

    We specialize in quality professional prints and canvases at competitive prices.

  • Your own Signature

    As an established photographer, you can have unique prints customized to your needs. We know that creating a signature design is important to you.

Photo Prints

Our exemplary photo prints will enhance your images with vibrant color and superior clarity for a professional, high-quality finish that we recognize is important to you.

Your work can be further preserved against UV and scratches, with several options of laminates that will mantain the natural look of your prints.

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Our canvases are made with richly-textured materials to create fine, gallery-quality products that will produce vibrant colors as well as rich, deep blacks and tonal gradations. Once printed, the canvas is wrapped around 1.5" stretcher frames.

Once your customers are ready to display your work, they will only need to worry about selecting that perfect location, as all the necessary hardware to hang the canvas is already installed.

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Our banners are printed on a light and flexible vinyl with a smooth matte surface that keeps the prints bright and minimizes light reflexion when used as a background.

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